landscape studies

Historically, I am terrible about drawing landscapes. It doesn’t come easily to me, so if I’m just sitting down to draw, it’s not something I gravitate towards. Instead I draw people, occasionally animals, sometimes plants – but mostly people. Never buildings, never landscapes, and NEVER anything mechanical. So in an effort to push myself out of my comfort zone, I’ve started doing small landscape studies from photos that capture my attention. These were all done in Adobe Sketch on an iPad pro with apple pencil. They’re nothing spectacular, but I’m actually pretty happy with how they’ve been turning out! I tend to focus a lot on things being “perfect,” which is obviously not an achievable thing, and it leads to getting in my own head and never finishing anything. I intentionally fought that and tried to keep these fairly loose and not get bogged down in trying to draw every single detail. I think I was mostly successful.

Left photo by Tobias Meyer / Right photo by Simon Bradley

Left photo by Cuma Çevik / Right photo by Sondre Eriksen

Photo by Lennart Pagel

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